Walmart is the source for quite a bit of controversy for a lot of people. There are two types of people, those who love Walmart and those who hate it. There isn’t much of an in between. Those who love it adore their “always low prices” and the convenience of having a supermarket, pharmacy, and department store all under one roof. The frequent buy one get one deals and toys on every shelf appeal to busy, stressed out moms who desperately need to get their errands done before Jr. gets cranky. They are open around the clock just in case little Sally gets a sore throat around 1 AM or you get a hankering for Reese’s Peanut Buttercup Ice Cream at 11 PM.
Then there are those who hate Walmart. When a Super Walmart goes up, small businesses go down taking there service with a smile with them. The little guy can’t compete with Walmart’s prices and eventually has to close up shop and become a greeter for the very company that ran them out of business. By rolling back prices they roll over the competition slowly building their monopoly on the backs of Mom and Pop shops across America.

I say, there are both up and downsides to this tyrannical monster. I would love to protest Walmart, speak out about what they’re doing to family owned grocery stores, pharmacies, and clothing boutiques. I am; however, a college student. I appreciate the low prices and around the clock service. I realize I’m feeding the beast and I fear someday the beast will eliminate the rest of the competition and drive up prices higher than we’ve seen them before. In the meantime; however, I’m going to get my shampoo, Cheetos, Mountain Dew, Tylenol, and flip-flops all at the same store because it’s so gosh darn convenient.
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