The first music video I've ever seen is Chop Suey by System of a Down. I remember I was at my friend's house for the weekend and on Saturday morning we woke up and turned on MTV. This was before all the reality shows. We were maybe 7 or 8. We went about our business, she hated watching TV and I didn't have cable. All I wanted to do was watch cable. Anyway, I don't remember exactly what we were doing, probably playing The Sims, or Rollercoaster Tycoon. We got hungry and walked by the living room to get to the kitchen. Well this music video came on and we were intrigued. We stood there and watched the entire video. I remember thinking it was the weirdest and freakiest thing I'd ever seen. I had never seen anyone with that many tatoos before. Plus how they all morph in and out of each other, that freaked me out. I knew I had heard the song before but I had no idea that's what they looked like.
For years, whenever I heard that song, or anything else by System of a Down for that matter, I would picture them morphing in and out of each other. It left quite an impact on me I guess. After looking at it again I remember exactly how I felt that day. In fact, it still kind of weirds me out. I don't really know why they chose to make the video quite like that. Oh well, to each his or her own.
I have a different friend who is absolutly obsessed with System of a Down. I've come to really like there music through her and now am not quite as weirded out by the band itself. Still, creepy videos.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh I love System of a Down! And I remember the song chop suey to. That was a good album. It had a ton of great songs on there like toxicity and prison song. I have quite a few of their songs actually. I would always listen to them to get pumped up to play soccer or just on my play list to go out running. I do not believe they have had anything new out for a while now. There last album came out like two or three years ago. There music can be a little disturbing at times, but I think they are just a awesome band all around.
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